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SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications

Table of Contents
Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 429-593

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Majorization and Singular Values II

R. B. Bapat

pp. 429-434

$G$-Invariant Hermitian Forms and $G$-Invariant Elliptical Norms

Chi-Kwong Li and Nam-Kiu Tsing

pp. 435-445

Backward Error Analysis for a Pole Assignment Algorithm

Christopher L. Cox and William F. Moss

pp. 446-456

The Computation of Generalized Cross-Validation Functions Through Householder Tridiagonalization with Applications to the Fitting of Interaction Spline Models

Chong Gu, Douglas M. Bates, Zehua Chen, and Grace Wahba

pp. 457-480

Multisplitting with Different Weighting Schemes

R. E. White

pp. 481-493

The Strong Stability of Algorithms for Solving Symmetric Linear Systems

James R. Bunch, W. James Demmel, and Charles F. Van Loan

pp. 494-499

Matrices, Digraphs, and Determinants

John S. Maybee, D. D. Olesky, Driessche P. van den, and G. Wiener

pp. 500-519

An Eigenvector Test for Inflation Matrices and ZME-Matrices

Jeffrey L. Stuart

pp. 520-532

A Note on Local Behavior of Multiple Eigenvalues

Ji-Guang Sun

pp. 533-541

Circulant Preconditioners for Hermitian Toeplitz Systems

Raymond H. Chan

pp. 542-550

Leverrier's Algorithm: A New Proof and Extensions

Stephen Barnett

pp. 551-556

Cholesky Factor Updating Techniques for Rank $2$ Matrix Modifications

Richard Bartels and Linda Kaufman

pp. 557-592

Erratum: Block Kronecker Products and Block Norm Matrices in Large-Scale Systems Analysis

David C. Hyland and Emmanuel G. Collins, Jr.

p. 593